personal injury
If you've been involved in an automobile accident you can file a personal injury claim against the person who caused the damages. There are several things you'll want to consider moving forward so it's essential you get in contact with a lawyer as soon as possible, if not immediately following the accident.
The type of compensation you'll be entitled depends upon the severity of your injuries. It's critical that you visit a doctor even if you think the injuries you sustained are minor. As you'll need to be able to document your injuries and show proof to support your claim.
Truck accidents can be some of the most devastating accidents on the road. Due to the size and weight of these trucks, most of these accidents end up being fatal, or lead to very serious injuries. Truck accidents can range from semi-trucks, to tractor trailers, 18 wheelers, and other types of large trucks.
Wrongful death and catastrophic injuries, such as, a brain injury can be a huge emotional, physical and financial blow to your family and loved ones. If you have suffered a loss of this kind, or have been deeply affected by a traumatic injury, it's crucial that you work with a lawyer as soon as possible.
Dog bites inflict thousands of Americans across the US every single year. In fact, dog bites are one of the most common animal injuries that occur. Depending on the circumstances that led to the dog bite, the owner of the animal can be held responsible for any of the damages that were sustained. Often, this can lead to compensation on behalf of the victim.
Motorcycle accidents tend to have the highest rate of fatality, compared to other motorized vehicles. The injuries sustained when a motorcycle accident occurs can be very devastating. Due to this, the medical bills and the time off of work will usually be very large. This means the compensation you'll be seeking will be much larger as well. Even smaller injuries can mean time off of work, and medical bills you can't afford.
A pedestrian who is involved in any sort of accident has the right to seek compensation for any injuries that were sustained. It's important to work with an experienced personal injury lawyer as early on in the process as possible, as pedestrian accident cases can turn out to be very complex.
Bicycle riders sustain a huge amount of injuries and even fatalities every single year. Most often the accidents that occur are due to the fault of motor vehicle drivers. Often riders are injured or killed by drivers who forget to check their blind spots, or make turns in front of cyclists, open doors while they're riding by, pull away from stop signs without looking both ways, or a host of other unsafe driving practices. Sometimes, motor vehicle drivers can even be unaware that bicyclists have the same rights to the road that their vehicle does.
If debt has become a burden, call us. You may qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection. See if we can help you wipe the slate clean so you can get back to enjoying your life.
Even if you don’t qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection, we may still be able to help you get the protections offered under Chapter 13. Call us for an appointment. We may be able to help.
employment law
Harassment of any kind in the workplace is illegal. If you’ve been the victim of harassment or unwanted advances on the by your employer or co-workers, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact our office today to discuss your case.
Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, marital status, or sexual orientation is absolutely illegal and punishable under the law. If you feel you have been discriminated against on the basis of any of the above, then you may be entitled to compensation.
If you’ve been fired from your job illegally or because of the discriminatory practices of your employer, then give us a call. We may be able to help protect your rights.
If believe your employer has underpaid you for your work, you may have a claim against them. Wage and hour claims are complex but we can help you navigate your claim.
As an employee, you are protected from retaliation when speaking out against your employer’s unlawful conduct, or when speaking up for your rights. If your employer has retaliated against you because you’ve exercised your legal rights, then they may be liable to you for damages.